Welcome to the Devoted to Faith blog!
Blessings and Light world! Welcome to my new blog, Devoted to Faith (dtf if you nasty). This is a blog for people who are POd about the amount of BS that is out there on the www. How is the modern person of faith supposed to know good from bad, right from wrong, real chicken from vegan chkn? With all the “information” out there, it is now harder to navigate spiritual waters than trying to navigate actual waters. I don’t understand watercraft at all. Never have, never will. Don’t want to. Won’t. No thank you. Boats are unnatural and should be banned from #1 cartoons and #2 use. Did you see Titanic? Don’t get me started on boats. Now I’m all riled up.
What I’m trying to say is that no matter how confused you may be, DTF is here to speak spiritual TRUTH at all times at all costs as long as it doesn’t cost me money.
Allow me to introduce myself.
I’m Kathy Piechota, pronounced just like it’s spelled - CA-theeee Pee-AUGHT-uh. I am the youth minister, musical director, social media operations manager, digital marketing social media strategist, layperson, organist, COO, CEO, OOO, chauffeur, deacon, and co-founder of Church Night which is a church (you know cuz it says church in our name). Basically I know everything there is to know about religion, spirituality, and faith so I’m qualified to write this blog. If you question me, I will absolutely come for you. In the middle of the night. When you least expect it. So don’t even think about trying to debate me on anything I say because what I say is the truth whether you like it or not. #sorrynotsorry #boatsareevil
Just me, Kathy. Photo Credit: Sam Dingley
Why are you here? Let me know in the comments!
If you’re reading this blog, chances are you are struggling with your faith or perhaps you are simply looking for resources to share with atheists to prove you are better than them and know way more about theology and stuff than they do. Well let me tell you this: I feel your pain. I have been there. One time I was in an argument with an atheist and my phone was dead so I couldn’t even show them this one meme I vaguely remembered that would have totally crushed their argument. Ever since that day I have armed myself with information (and a small firearm) so that next time someone wants to argue religion, I am always prepared with quotes and mental memes to absolutely dominate my opponents (the gun also helps).
I am here to give you the same gifts that helped me in my spiritual journey. No, you can’t have my cute little gun, but you CAN have my artillery of knowledge so that you, too, may protect yourself from evil mind invaders sent by the devil with “facts” and “logic” intent on dismantling your belief in the Lord.
What you can expect from this blog:
TRUTH, duh
It may sound like all of this is opinion, but I have credentials and life experience so you can trust what I say as 100% correct.
I will arm you with prayers, quotes, sayings, memes, essays, lists, and pictures of me. These tools will allow you to grow your faith and keep you connected to The Lord. You should also get a gun. See above.
Tampa siri you idiot siri i don’t wanna get out of bed tell me the temp in tampa oh crap that cornish hen is a museum parked on the tomato who is mark wal-mart?
Well that’s it for today’s blog post. I’m sick of writing and ready to open up this nice bottle of tequila I got from the corner store for a discount because it had been previously opened. Thanks for tuning in and check back soon for another update on how you can stay devoted to faith.
Blessings & Light,
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